BEAN, Francis age 32
Res: Fairfield, IL
Lic: Mar 1, 1875
Ohio Medical College
Reg: made to replace the one destroyed by fire
BEEMER, L. T. age 70
Native of France
Res: Effingham, IL
40 years practice, 30 years in IL
Europe Medical College
BLAKEY, James T. age 32 b. IL
Res: Mt. Erie, IL
Lic: May 9, 1906
Reg: July 2, 1906
Certificate date:
Cert: Jun 15, 1906
St. Louis, MO.
Barnes University
BLAKELY, Ostella Fitch Age 27
Res: Mt. Erie, IL. Native of IL.
Lic: May 9, 1908
Certificate date: July 1. 1908
Barnes Medical College
BOGGS, John D. Age 31
Res: St. Louist MO.
Licensed dates May 10, 1905
Certificate date: Sept lp 1905
St. Louis University
BRADFORD, William E. Age 55 b. IL
Res: not given
Licensed Feb. 9. 1863
Certificate date: Sept. 14, 1877
Certificate Filed for: Apr. 29, 1892
Eclectic Institute Practice of Eclectic
(chosen from various sources.)
BROWN, Torry Christensen Age 39
Res: Clevelands OH (Native of Dane.)
Licensed: May 26, 1907
Registered: April 15, 1912
Certificate Dates July 31, 1907
Chicago College of M. & L.
BRYANO Joseph Lyman
Res: Xenia, IL . Age 25
Certificate dates: Aug. 31, 1905
at Marion Sims - Beaumont
BUIS, Ruth Stewart
Res: Fairfieldt IL. Age 26
Licensed: Aug. 31, 1915
Certificate date: Aug. 31, 1915
Native of Indiana
CAMPBELL, George Washington Age 24
Res: Orchardville, IL. b. KY
Licensed: Jan. 3, 1910
Registered: Feb, 22, 1910
Certificate date: Jan. 3, 1910
CARSON, W. B. Age 40
Res: Fairfields IL
Native of Ohio
Registered: Feb. 8, 1887
Certificate dates Dec. 13, 1877
Diploma from P.M. Institute -------
on Feb. 23, 1876
CATES, E. M. Age 33 Native of IL,
Res: Wayne City, IL.
Licensed: June 16, 1903
Registered: July 4. 1903
Certificate date: June 16, 1903
Barnes Medical College of St. Louis
CAT0, , J. Barton Age 27
Ress: Ellery, IL. Native of IN.'
Licensed: Mar. 6, 1893
Registered: Sept. 15, 1893
Certificate date: Mar. 6, 1893
CONKLINS, W. E. Age 27 Native of IL
Res: Enterpriset, IL.
Licensed: July 10, 1902
Registered: Aug. 11, 1903
Certificate date: July 30, 1902
COOPER, Philip D. Age 32
Res: Chicago - Native of Iowa
Licensed: Mar. 7. 1888
Registered: Aug. 22, 1895
Certificate date: July 3. 1894
Iowa State University
COX, Sarah I. Age 64 b. TN
Res: Fairfield
Certificate date: Apr, 3, 1878 (1887?)
Registered: Apr, l, 1887 (1878?)
25 years experience
CREWS., C. H, Age 27 Native IL.
Res: Mt, Eriev IL,
Licensed: July l, 1908
Registered: July 22, 1908
Certificate date: July 1, 1908
CRISSIP, Rebecca J. Age 46
b. TN
Res: Johnsonville, IL.
Reqistered: Mar, 10, 1887
Certificate date: Feb. 23, 1887
23 yrs. practice (midwife)
CROZIER, Wm. J. Age 43 b, IL.
Res: Cisne, IL,
Licensed: April 15, 1883
Registered: April 3, 1903
Certificate date: April 15, 1881
DAVIS, E. G. Age 28 b. IL
Res: Fairfieid, IL.
Licensed: Mar 10, 1891
Registered: Mar 10, 1897
Certificate date: Mar. 28, 1891
St. Louis College of P. & S.
DAVIS, F. F. Age,26 b. IL
Res: Jeffersonville
Licensed: Not given
Registered: Mar 26, 1906
Certificate date: June 12, 1905
DAVIS, W. H. Age 44 b. IN
Res: Fairfield, IL.
Registered: Jan. 11, 1895
Certif icate dates Mar. 21, 1879
by license
DIXON, D J. E. Age 22 b. IL.
Res: Sims,, IL.
Licensed: May 1901
Registered: Mar, 1903
Certificate date: June 15, 1902
DRAPER, Lorany Age 62 b. TN
Res: Mabry, Wayne Co. IL.
Registered: Apr, 7. 1887
Certificate date: Jan. 2, 1887
DULANEY, Dr. W. A. Age 32 b. IL
Res: Keens, IL
Licensed: May 8. 1905
Registered: Sept. 1905
Marion Sims Beaumont
ELLIS, Charles Lewis Age 28 b. IL
Res: Orchardville, IL.
Certificate date: Aug 15, 1913
Licenseds June 20, 1913
Registered: Nov. 10, 1913
ELMORE, R. R. Age 29 b. US
Res: Fairfield, IL.
Licensed: May 7. 1903
Registeredt July 6. 1903
Certificate date: May 30, 1903
FAULLAMEN, A. W. Age 36 b. Ger
Res: St. Louis, MO.
Registered: Feb. 4, 1909
Certificate date: June 16, 1903
Licensed: June 16, 1903
St. Louis Washington U Medical Dept
GRAY, Philip M. Age 36 b. US
Res: Cisne, IL.
Licensed: March 1893
Registered: May 3, 1906
Certificate date: Mar. 28, 1893
Rush Medical College
HALCOMB, H. age 62 b. Ohio
Res: Jeffersonville, IL.
Registered: Oct. 25, 1895
Certificate date: June 20, 1879
School of Practice: Alabama
HANCOCK, W.A. Age 24 b. IL.
Res: Enterprise, IL.
Registered: May 22, 1895
School of Practice: Alabama
HARPERp Frank M. Age 25 b. IL
Res: Enterprise, IL,
Registered: July 31, 1890
Certificate date: Ju1y 24, 18§0
Licensed: Apr. 29, 1890
Chicago Medical College
HENDERSON, James P. Age 33 b. IN
Res: Chicago
Registered: Oct. 13, 1892
Certificate date: Sept, 22, 1890
Licensed: Mar. 10, 1885
Miami Medical College in
Cincinnati, OH
INGRAII, C. W. Age 49 b. KY
Res: Mt. Erie, IL.
Registered: not given
Certificate datet Jan. 4. 1878
26 years practice
JOHNSON, C.E. Age 24 b. IL
Res: Johnsonville, IL
Licensed: Apr. 10, 1897
Registeredt Sept. 23, 1897
Certificate date: Jan. 16, 1897
Marion Sims,
St, Louis, MO.
KEAGY, C.S. Age 25
Res: Mt. Erie, IL
Licensed: Mar. 5. 1889
LACEY# J. H. Age 30 b. IL
Res: Sims, IL
Licensed: Mar. 7,. 1883
Registered: Feb. 24, 1887
Certificate date: Apr. 1884
St, Louis Medical College
LATHAMv Lorenzo Dow Age 35 b. IL
Res: Rinard, IL.
Licensed: Apr. 17, 1896
Registered: Oct. 7, 1897
Certificate date: Mar. 26, 1896
St. Louis, MO
Medical College of
Physicians and Surgeons
Born: IL
Res: Fairfieldo IL.
Registered: Apr. 3, 1903
LITTLE, Perry M. Age 31 b. IN
Res: Sims, IL.
Licensed: Apr. 12, 1896
Certificate dates Mar. 16, 1897
Registered% Feb. 2v 1898
Medical College of Indiana
LLOYD, Arista D. Age 44 b. IL
Res: Bloomington, IL.
Licensed: Feb 26, 1889
Certified: Feb 26, 1889
Registered: Dec. 16, 1905
MARKHAM, W. W. Age 56 b. KY
Res: Mt. Erie, IL
Licensed: Sept, 15, 1879
Certificate date: Aug. 19, 1890
Registered: Aug. 25, 1890
Kansas Eclectic Exam & Board
MEYER, Henry Age 35 b. MO
Res: Six mile township
Certificate date: Sept. 30, 1898
Registered: Dec. 26, 1902
MO. Hom. Medical College
MILLER, J.W. Age 42 b. PA
Res: Wayne City, IL.
Licensed: not given
Certificate date: Feb. 24, 1888
Registered: May 24, 1888
21 years of practice in Allopathic
OWEN, Calmer C. age 32 b. America
Res: Merriam, IL
Licensed: Mar. l7, 1890
Registered: Nov. 10, 1897
Certificate date: Dec. 1. 1892
Chicago Homopathic Med College
PAGIN, Henry age 56 b. America
Res:: Velpin, IN
Licensed: Jan. 27, 1870
Registered: Jan. 18, 1890
Certificate date: Jan. 24, 1888
Chicago - Bennett College
PARKER, Charles T.
Res: Johnsonville, IL
Licenseds Mar. 10, 1886
Certificate date: Nov. l, 1892
Cincinnati# OH Medical College
PENNELL, W.H. Age 60 b. KY
res: St. Louis, Mo.
Licensed: June 5. 1860
Registered: June 23, 1897
Certificate dates Mar. 30, 1882
14 years in IL
Cincinnati OH College of Medicine
RICE, H. J. Age 66 b. TN
Res: Long Prairie-Wayne Cot IL.
Licensed: by practice
Registered: May 17, 1889
Certificate date: Jan, 27, 1878
ROBERTS, Edwin Elmo Age 34 b. IL
Res: Fairfield, IL
Licensed: 1907
Filed for Registration: July 24, 1907
Certificate dates June 15# 1907
Marion Sims Beaumont, St. Louis, MO
ROGERS, T.M. age 56 b.~KY
Res:: Fairfield
Licensed: 1863
Registered: not given
Certificate date: Mar. 1863
Diploma at Ohio Medical College
SHASTID, Thos. H. . age 36 b. IL
Res: Fairfield, IL,
Licensed: July 16, 1888
Registered: Feb. 14, 1903
Certificate date: May 27, 1889
University of VT at Burlington
SHAW, Mrs. Elizabeth
Res: Fairfields IL
Certificate date: July 29, 1879
Certificate filed: Feb. 18, 1887
Registered: Feb. 18, 1887
10 yrs. practice before 1879
SIBLEY, W. A. Age 27 b. IL
Res: Fairfield, IL
Licensed: May 19, 1906
Registered: Aug, 3. 1906
Certificate date: June 15, 1906
Marion Sims Beaumontp St. T~ouis
SINCLAIR, J. Frank Age 29 b. Canada
Res: Cisne, IL
Licensed: June 27, 1907
Registered: Apr. 29, 1908
Certificate date: Aug. 15, 1907
Dearborn Medical. College
SMITH, R. Button Age 25 .b. IL
Res: Orchardville, IL
Licensed: July 1. 1897
Registered: Sept. 21, 1897
Certificate date: July 30, 1897
M.D. degree Hosp, college of Medicine
Shot himself-bur: Crawford Co. IL.
SPRIGGS, Alfred R.
Res: Rinard, IL.
Registered: Mar. 1, 1898
Cert. made to replace one
burned Nov. 17, 1886.
SPRIGGS, M. Luther Age 22 b. IL.
Res: Rinard, IL
Licensed: Mar. 6. 1894
Registered: June 4. 1895
Certificate date: May 22, 1895
M.D. Degree at Louisville Med College
STONE, John W. Age 63 b. KY
Res: Springerton, IL.
Licensed: Apr, 24, 1878
Registered: June 3. 1907
Certificat date: Apr. 24, 1878
TAGGART9 C,T.. Age 40
Res: Cisne, IL
Licensed: Mar. 5, 1879
Certificate date: Mar. 21, 1886
IN College of Physicians & Surgeons
Diploma from College in 1879
15 years practice in IL.
THARP, W. S. Age 38 b. KY
Res: Pin Oak, IL
14 years pratice with 13 in IL
POOLE, Charles Age 26 b. SC
Res: Fairfieldp IL
Licensed: Mar. 15, 1886
Registered: Feb, 3, 1889
Certificate date: Jan. 30, 1891
College of P & S Baltimore, MD
Res: Cisne, IL
Licenseds by license
Registered: Feb. 16, 1887
Certifi.cate (late: Mar. 10, 1880
Certificate filed: Apr. 10, 1880
20 years in IL
VAUGllAN, Robert F. Age 47 b, TN
Res: Bell Prairie, Hamilton Co, IL
Certificate date: Apr. 15, 1878
by license
Registered: Aug. 10, 1887
WADDLE, M. Aqe 72 b. Ky
Res: School, IL
IL practice 27 years
WALLERS, J. P. Age 39 b. Ohio
Res: Fairfield, IL
Licensed: Mar. 2. 1876
Registered: Feb. 10, 1887
Certificate date: Oct. 6. 1877
Diploma at Miami Medical 1876
(registered 1st Jan. 12, 1877
but records were burned.)
Res: Orchardville, IL
Licensed: May 25, 1904
Certificate date: June 30, 1904
St. Louis University
WELLS, _____ Age 49 b. Ky
Res: Chicago, IL
Licensed: Feb. 22, 1897
Registered: Dec. 14, 1892
Certificate date: Oct. 7, 1892
IN Medical College - Diploma from
WHITE, W.G. Age 34 b. KY
Res: Merriam, IL
Licensed: Mar 2, 1882
1st Registered: Nov 1886 (burned)
2nd Registered: Feb. 14, 1887
Certificate date: March 1882
Diploma from IN Medical College 1882
WILKIN, W.E. Age 24 b. IL
Res: Mt. Erie, IL
Licensed: May 3, 1904
Registered: Aug 24, 1904
Certificate datet June 30, 1904
Diploma from Barnes University
St. Louis, MO,
YOUNG, John Logan Age 37 b, IL
Res: Rinard, IL
Licensed: May 8, 1905
Registered: June 10, 1905
Certificate date: June 1, 1905
ZIMMERMAN, Bathsheba Age 64
b. New Brunswick
Res: Rinard, IL
Registered: Apr 16, 1887
over 30 yrs practice with 22 yrs in IL
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