and submitted by The M-Team |
Last Name | First Name |
Bahlman | William Henry |
Bailey | Amos |
Bailey | Carl |
Bailey | Charles Everett |
Bailey | Eugene |
Bailey | Fredrick Carlton |
Bailey | George Walter |
Bailey | Thomas |
Bailey | William Elmer |
Baird | Louis Armstrong |
Baird | Richard James |
Baity | Austin Walter |
Baity | Floyd Austin |
Baker | Albert Gregg |
Baker | Cloyd |
Baker | Frank |
Baker | Gerald Hobert |
Baker | Jacob Glen |
Baker | John William |
Baker | John Haly |
Baker | John Thomas |
Baker | Norval |
Baker | Ray Elmer |
Baker | Roy |
Baker | William Grant |
Baldwin | Clyde |
Baldwin | Ernest Link |
Ballard | Benjamin Rosco |
Barbie | Samuel Otto |
Barekman | Chris |
Barker | David Ullas |
Barker | Earl Enory |
Barker | James Thomas |
Barker | Noah Samuel |
Barkley | Charles Edward |
Barnard | Arthur |
Barnard | Clarence |
Barnard | Edgar |
Barnard | George Henry Otto Barnard |
Barnard | Lewis |
Barnard | Orda Sylvester Barnard |
Barnard | Ralph |
Barnard | Roscoe Pigman |
Barnard | William Henry |
Barnes | Artic Eles |
Barnes | Edward Dent |
Barnes | Ora J |
Barnes | Walter Glen |
Barnett | Charles A |
Barnett | Harry J |
Barnett | Harry Edgar |
Barnhouse | Carl |
Barnhouse | Charles Wesley |
Barnhouse | Clifford Clarence |
Barr | Artis Peiri |
Barr | George Henry |
Barr | Irvin |
Barr | John Thomas |
Barr | Orval |
Barr | Willard |
Barrett | Enos Manford |
Barrett | Raymond Manford |
Barth | Fred William |
Barth | Herbert Gottlieb |
Barth | Jacob Wesley |
Barth | Reuben Philip |
Barth | Royal A |
Barth | Samuel John |
Barth | William Henry |
Bass | Hiram Millard |
Bass | John Thomas |
Bates | Riley |
Bayles | Charles |
Bayles | Olie Bryan |
Bean | Ralph Wright |
Beard | James Perry |
Bearden | Frank Acle |
Beasley | James William |
Beck | Charles Jesse |
Beck | John Ralph |
Beck | Joseph Henry |
Beck | Lawrence Leroy |
Beck | Ralph Benton |
Beck | Walter |
Beck | William Philip |
Beckel | Arthur Orton |
Beckel | Clarence Edward |
Becker | Aloysius William |
Beeson | Arthur |
Beeson | Frederick |
Beeson | Luke |
Behymer | Alonzo |
Behymer | Ralph Jordan |
Beiswenger | Charles J J |
Belangee | George Herman |
Bell | Isaac |
Bell | James William |
Bell | Richard |
Bell | Ulyssus |
Bell | Vern |
Belt | Asa |
Bennett | Charles |
Bennett | Doe |
Bennett | George |
Bennett | John |
Benskin | Raymond |
Berg | Bedie |
Berg | David |
Berg | Delbert |
Berg | Earl |
Berg | James |
Berg | Louis |
Berg | Oscar |
Berg | Roy |
Bernstein | Harry |
Berry | Earl |
Beshears | Charlie |
Best | Fred |
Best | George |
Best | Guy |
Best | Oscar |
Best | Van |
Beston | Henry |
Bestow | John |
Bestow | Lynn |
Bestow | Levell |
Bethel | Herman |
Billingsley | Dewey |
Billingsley | Maurice |
Billingsley | Roy |
Billington | Cecil |
Billington | Charles |
Billington | Charls |
Billington | Cloyd |
Billington | Curtis |
Billington | Jesse |
Billington | Walter |
Billington | Willis |
Bing | John |
Bing | Llewellyn |
Bircket | Raymond |
Birket | Charlie |
Bissey | Henry |
Bivens | John |
Black | Dale |
Black | Edward |
Black | Frederick |
Black | Jessie |
Black | Virgil |
Blackburn | Charles |
Blackburn | Earl |
Blackburn | Everet |
Blackburn | Lawrence |
Blackburn | Leslie |
Blackburn | Robert |
Blake | Chas |
Blake | David |
Blake | Oscar |
Blakeley | James |
Blakley | Edward |
Bland | Elmer |
Blessing | Carl |
Blessing | Fred |
Block | George |
Block | William |
Bluford | Orlando |
Bobbett | Chas |
Bobbett | Fred |
Bobbett | Leonard |
Boggs | Benjamin |
Boggs | John |
Boggs | Richard |
Bolen | Alonzo |
Bolen | Roy |
Bond | Alva |
Bond | Charley |
Bond | Guy |
Bond | Reuben |
Bond | Ulysses |
Bonner | John |
Book | Caios |
Book | James |
Book | Otto |
Book | Peter |
Boone | Jacob |
Borah | Carl |
Borah | Ed |
Borah | Elmer |
Borah | Henry |
Borah | Jep |
Borah | John |
Borah | Larkin |
Borah | Lou |
Borah | Manly |
Borah | Peter |
Borah | Robley |
Borah | William |
Bosley | James |
Bosley | Lloyd |
Bosley | Orvel |
Bosley | Walter |
Boswell | Dock |
Boswell | Joseph |
Boswell | Oran |
Bottorff | Joseph |
Bottorff | Walter |
Bowden | Herbert |
Bowden | John |
Bowden | William |
Bower | Chester |
Bowlds | Charles |
Bowles | Edward |
Bowles | Isaac |
Bowles | Louis |
Bowling | Walter |
Bowman | John |
Boyd | Arthur |
Boyd | George |
Boyle | John |
Bozarth | Grant |
Bozarth | Jesse |
Bozarth | William |
Boze | Charles |
Boze | George |
Boze | John |
Boze | John |
Boze | Lawrence |
Boze | Wilburn |
Bozorth | Jonathan |
Brach | Arthur |
Brach, Jr. | Charles William |
Brach | Ralph |
Brach | Walter |
Braddock | Ed |
Braddock | George |
Braddock | James |
Braddock | Jessy |
Braddock | Samuel |
Braddock | William |
Braddy | David |
Braddy | George |
Braddy | James |
Braddy | Jessy |
Braddy | Raymond |
Braddy | Roy |
Braddy | Thomas |
Bradford | Charley |
Bradford | James |
Bradford | Norman |
Bradford | Orlie |
Bradham | Cloyd |
Bradham | Guy |
Bradham | Luther |
Bradly | William |
Bradshaw | Alvin |
Bradshaw | Hal |
Brand | Charles |
Brashear | Leonard |
Brashear | Napolian |
Brashear | Rush |
Bratton | Delbert |
Bratton | Harry |
Bratton | James |
Bratton | James |
Bratton | Orlie |
Bratton | Otho |
Bratton | Walter |
Bratton | Wilbert |
Brent | William |
Brewen | Orville |
Brewer | Charley |
Brewer | Evert |
Brewer | Farest |
Bridges | Charles |
Bright | Benjamin |
Bright | Charley |
Bright | Edward |
Bright | Evert |
Bright | Huber |
Bright | Ray |
Bright | Roy |
Bright | Roy |
Brimberry | Benjamin |
Brimberry | Walter |
Briner | Carroll |
Briner | Oree |
Brinker | Ed |
Brinker | Oss |
Brissenden | Morris |
Brock | Clyde |
Brock | David |
Brock | Dempsey |
Brock | Eli |
Brock | Everett |
Brock | Floyd |
Brock | Frank |
Brock | Fred |
Brock | George |
Brock | Ira |
Brock | Ira |
Brock | Leslie |
Brock | Oliver |
Brock | Roy |
Broughton | William |
Browder | Willie |
Brown | Amanuel |
Brown | Bert |
Brown | Cecil |
Brown | Charles |
Brown | Chester |
Brown | Clarence |
Brown | Claued |
Brown | Cloyd |
Brown | Clyde |
Brown | Crate |
Brown | Curt |
Brown | Curtis |
Brown | Daniel |
Brown | Earl |
Brown | Edger |
Brown | Elmer |
Brown | Ezra |
Brown | Fred |
Brown | George |
Brown | George |
Brown | Halie |
Brown | Hansom |
Brown | Harry |
Brown | Ira |
Brown | Isaac |
Brown | Jesse |
Brown | Joe |
Brown | John |
Brown | John |
Brown | John |
Brown | Joseph |
Brown | Kelly |
Brown | Levi |
Brown | Lewis |
Brown | Lloyd |
Brown | Melvin |
Brown | Millard |
Brown | Oggie |
Brown | Oral |
Brown | Paul |
Brown | Philip |
Brown | Raymond |
Brown | Robert |
Brown | Robert |
Brown | Ross |
Brown | Walter |
Brown | Willard |
Brown | William |
Brown | William |
Browning | William |
Bruce | Ira |
Bruce | James |
Bruce | John |
Bruce | John |
Bruce | Joseph |
Brumet | Daniel |
Brumett | Lavern |
Brummet | Arta |
Bryant | Authur |
Bryant | Grover |
Bryant | Lawrence |
Bryant | Raymond |
Buchanan | Alex |
Buchanan | Daniel |
Buchanan | Grover |
Buchanan | Homer |
Buchanan | Joshua |
Buchanan | Kenneth |
Buchanan | Roy |
Buchanan | Virgil |
Buchannan | Guy |
Buchonon | Walter |
Buckles | Rolly |
Bull | Jesse |
Bull | Thomas |
Bullard | Elmer |
Bullard | Ernest |
Bullard | Harry |
Bullard | John |
Bullard | Thomas |
Bullard | Virgil |
Bullock | Ray |
Bundy | James |
Bunnell | Elver |
Bunnell | Harold |
Bunting | Alva |
Bunting | Raymond |
Bunting | Robert |
Bunting | Russel |
Bunting | William |
Buoy | Howard |
Burgess | Floyd |
Burgess | Floyd |
Burgess | George |
Burgess | Glenn |
Burgess | Jesse |
Burgess | John |
Burgess | Joseph |
Burgess | Levi |
Burgess | Lewis |
Burgess | Oscar |
Burgess | Robert |
Burgess | Thomas |
Burgess | William |
Burgess | William |
Burket | Virgel |
Burkett | Arthur |
Burkett | Charlie |
Burkett | Cloyd |
Burkett | Earnest |
Burkett | Ebers |
Burkett | Ed |
Burkett | George |
Burkett | Glen |
Burkett | Henry |
Burkett | Ira |
Burkett | James |
Burkett | Leslie |
Burkett | Rolla |
Burkett | Rufus |
Burkett | Willie |
Burkitt | John |
Burkitt | Terry |
Burkitt | William |
Burnes | Marshall |
Burroughs | Charles |
Burroughs | Don |
Burroughs | Hubart |
Burroughs | Ottus |
Burroughs | Ray |
Burroughs | Walter |
Burroughs | Robert |
Bursott | William |
Burton | Clarence |
Burton | Dias |
Burton | George |
Burton | Gerald |
Burton | John |
Bush | Robert |
Bussey | Verner |
Butler | Addis |
Butler | Andrew |
Butler | Charles |
Butler | Frank |
Butler | Frank |
Butler | Gilbert |
Butler | Lewis |
Butler | Perry |
Butler | Steward |
Butler | Wilmer |
Butler | Wilson |
Butler | Martin |
Byars | Everett |
Byars | Orner |
Byars | Oscar |
Byford | Perry |
April 27, 2012
Copyright © Jan 1999 - Present. D. Williams;
All rights reserved.
Last rev.