Rodney Simmons


Wayne County Press
date not known

Mrs. Sarah Simmons passed away Friday afternoon after a long illness.

Funeral was held at the Methodist church Sunday afternoon. Those fromaway from here who attended the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. I.D. Simmons, Akron, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. C.P. Simmons, Dixon; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Asa of Jefferson City, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. Bonne Miller son Forrest Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Cates of Peoria; Mrs. Orietta Simmons, of Flora; Mrs. Fay Mann of Flora; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bircket, of Geff; Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hubble of Enterprise; Mr. and Mrs Harold Simmons and son; Mr. and Mrs. Welby Simmons of Paxton; Irene Simmons of Chicago; and Mr. and Mrs. Max Simmons, of Cooksville, Tenn.

Jan 2002
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