submitted by
Laurel White

Wayne County Press
August, 1911

Elizabeth Young, nee McCracken, was born near Mt. Erie, March 29, 1840, and was burned to death the morning of Aug. 29, 1911; aged 71 years and 6 months.

She was married to H. J. YoungAug. 7, 1862. She is the last of the family on her side, except three nephews and nieces. Her own family history is given with her husband to-day.

She accepted Christ in her early youth and lived a consistent Christian until death. To know and be acquainted with her Christ like life was to love her. She was a kind wife, an indulgent mother, and a loving grandmother.

She was a faithful friend, most affectionate toward all. To know her was to love her, to give her up a sore bereavement. Funeral services were conducted by Eld. J. P. Turner. Text: "For thou knowest not what a day may bring forth." He was assisted by Rev. R. E. Ellis, Eld. T. M. Richardson and Rev. Land. Services were held at Victory church, in the presence of a large concourse of people.

Jul 5, 1999
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