Transcribed and submitted by Candee Hoff
Periodically in reading old files and newspapers, I see information about relationships. I keep wishing that I could find just one relative to my William Andrew Clevenger, so I could verify my family tree, but so far, no luck. However, I constantly see little pieces that might be helpful to others in the same predicament.
Please let me know if you indeed find your missing piece.
Candee Hoff
Died Sunday eve 18 mo. Daughter of I. And S. Ward. She was "thrown from buggy".
August 9, 1872
Died infant son of Col. and Mrs. Partridge Saturday Aug. 3.
August 23, 1872
Estate of John Ganlly deceased
Estate of James Trousdale deceased
August 30, 1872
Died Mary E. Infant dau. of Jasper and Mary C. Partridge.
September 13, 1872
Died N. D. Brockett a young man
September 27, 1872
Announced Adnimistrators Sale for Felix. G. Harris deceased
and William Tucker
October 20, 1892
A number of friends gave Grandma Cross a birthday party on October,
16,1892 in Enterprise.
August 31, 1893
5. Uncle Dan Clevenger, of Pleasant Oak, is not expected to live
long. La Grippe or Consumption are
the cause.
September 7, 1893
6. Elizabeth Windland died August 23, 1893 at the age of 85 years,
11 months and 8 days. She was
at the home of her brother Timothy Ward.
7. Uncle Dan Clevenger died last week of consumption.
8. Moses Fearn has moved from this vicinity.
9. Mrs. N. J. Hall's sister (wife of Dr. N. J. Hall) is Mrs. Oliver
French of Oswego, Kansas.
10. Mrs. Lou Watkins of Fairfield has a brother, Elder Jay S. or C.
Hall, and their mother is Mrs. Lucretia Hall.
11 . Elizabeth Logan kept "a house of ill fame."
12. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Marion Hall, of south of Boyleston, had a
daughter September 2, 1893.
13. Mr. Jacob Hall gave a speech August 26, 1893 at the old Cumberland
Presbyterian Church and listed all the earliest Pioneer ministers
14. Reverend David McLin
15. Reverend Joel Knight
16. Reverend Woods M. Hamilton
17. Reverend John Porter
18. Reverend James Alexander
19. Reverend Harris
Between 1840-1850"s the ministers were:
24. Reverend William Finley
25. Reverend Felix Trousdale
26. Reverend Henry Phelps
Note from Candee:
Just recently, I purchased a book about the Cumberland Presbyterian
Church and found that there is significant importance in genealogy if your
ancestors were members of a PC church. They tended to colonize in groups
and followed the Cumberland Trail, Maryland to Illinois. Knowing the Minister's
name might facilitate your search.
September 21, 1893
27. Malinda Copelin, at 80 years old, was the oldest female resident
in Wayne County, IL.
28. David P. Truax was the oldest resident of Wayne County, IL, at
29. Jacob Hall, at 82 years old was the oldest survivor of the Black
Hawk War.
30. Phillip Pike at 68, was the oldest survivor of the Mexican War.
31. Mrs. Margaret Meeks, age 75, was born in Wayne County, IL
31a. Joe Stephens, Jas Ray, Henry Stephens, L. W. Arnold and Norah
Denton have taken up their abode in Southern Missouri.
September 28, 1893
32. Sale of Dan Clevenger's possessions was on September 31, 1893.
33. Honorable Frank S. Bishop and his mother, Mrs. Eliza Bishop are
from New Haven, Connecticut.
October 12, 1893
34. An unconscious man was found on the train. His name was W. H. McDade
from Hillsboro, NC., who was employed by the Union Bridge Co. to work in
Princeton, IL.
35. Mr. Hiram Tucker and Mrs. Amanda Grayham married October 8, 1893
at 9AM at her residence in Barnhill, Wayne County.
36. Mrs. M. E. Best surprise 56th birthday party was held at her home,
located 2 miles south of Mt. Erie township on September 14, 1893. Her 83
year old father and 81 year old mother were present.
37. Charles Curry returned from Texas today.
38. Miss Della Sands of Shelbysville is visiting her cousin, Mrs. C.
T. Higdon.
39. Lee Koontz just returned from the Indian Territory where he had
been on a prospecting tour.
40. Mrs. R. B. Patrick of Barnhill's daughter, Mrs. Mina Meeks, of
Kansas City, Kansas was ill with typhoid fever.
41. Mrs. John Fraim's 60th birthday was October 5, 1893 and her son,
Jerret gave her a party.
42. Mrs. Candace E. Karr attended her nephew's (Charles Goudy) wedding
on October 11, 1893. Mr. Charles Goudy married Miss Agetha Zimmerly.
43. Mrs. Gaston of Carmi, IL. is the mother of Mrs. A. A. Goldburg
of Fairfield.
44. Reverend William Howe officiated at the marriage of Lycurgus McNeely
and Miss Mary Brandt on October 8, 1893.
October 19, 1893
45. The Spicer family: Benton, blind sister, mother, and father were
all poisoned by arsenic in their coffee. Joseph Spicer, the only
other family member present at breakfast, does not drink coffee and therefore
was fine. All survived except Mr. Spicer, who lingered for a week, and
then died. Mr. and Mrs. Spicer had 5 married children in the neighborhood.
No one was arrested.
46. Mrs. O. E. Scudder of Indianapolis, IN. has a sister, Mrs. Stephen
Renfro, of Barnhill.
47. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Smith had their 25th wedding anniversary on
October 19, 1893.
48. Miss Ima Chilson of Fairfield and Mrs. Emma Harrington are sisters.
49. October 19, 1893 (Continued)
50. Oscar Boyles of Mount Vernon attended the funeral of his sister,
Mrs. Wilbert of Fairfield.
51. Barr of Round Prairie and Thomas Barr are brothers.
52. Obit for John Powell: who was born in East Tennessee (Warren County)
June 8, __. He married Hannah E. Stinson in 1827 and had 9 children.
53. Mr. Samuel Arbuckle of Towanda (McLean County) wagon overturned
and the 2 month old baby died and Mrs. Arbuckle is not expected to live.
54. Mrs. Lulu Meyers of Lexington, MO. is visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. D. M. Walker.
55. Hon. and Mrs. R. P. Hanna, of Fairfield, are the parents of Mrs.
Charles Brown.
56. Mrs. Samuel Brown and two children left for the Oklahoma Territory
to make a home with her parents; her husband's whereabouts are unknown.
57. Miss Helen and Miss Rose Emmerick are sisters of Mrs. Kohner of
St. Louis.
58. Snodgrass moved back to Fairfield from Ashville, Illinois, to open
a shoe store. His daughter is married and lives in Nebraska, son John will
also be moving to Fairfield.
59. Miss Helen Agnes Johnson, daughter of Mrs. Sarah E. Johnson, will
be married to Mr. James Walter Thompson at Evansville, Indiana on November
1, 1893. Miss Johnson is the niece of Mrs. C. W. Summers of Fairfield.
60. James H. Axtell previously of Iroquois County, IL died October
17, 1893 of Bright's Disease.
October 26, 1893
61. Lydia J. Clevenger vs. Charles U. Clevenger ( a divorce plea) was
62. James A. Burroughs wrote a telling letter to the editor of the
Wayne County Press. An excerpt is as follows: His wife and he had to part
for financial reasons and he writes: "We are apart, but not parted." His
wife is staying with her mother, Mrs. Jelley of Jeffersonville.
63. Miss P. K. Stevens of Clifford, PA. is the aunt of Miss Grace Stevens.
64. Samuel Holmes of Eureka, Kansas (Greenwood County) returned for
a visit to Wayne County after moving away 23 years ago. His brothers are
Oliver, Milton and David Holmes. Mrs. Holmes, his wife, is a sister of
Mrs. Maggie Johnson of Olney.
November 2, 1893
65. Minnie Hawk's brother-in-law is Jacob Logan.
66. Reverend White's daughter is Mrs. Wright from Ohio.
67. "John Stevens is the father of a baby girl. Grandparents are doing
68. Mrs. F. M. Ferry had a 50th birthday party on September 29, 1893.
69. Lydia Archibald of Cisne has a sister Mrs. Evans.
70. Florene Puckett of Whitesboro, TX visited with "friends and relatives"
such as Squire Joseph Simpson.
71. Charles Fewkes of Wayne City married Miss Mattie M. Clevenger of
Hickory Hill township. Agents for the press:
72. T. D. Colvin, Cisne
73. Thomas Pettigrew, Wabash
74. Dr. N. P. Merritt, Ellery
75. Adam Johnson, Burnt Prairie
76. Abe Tenney, Johnsonville
77. Banker, Zif
78. D. G. Buis, Barnhill
79. A. F. Nisbet, Mt. Erie
80. Alvin G. Scudamore, Wayne City
81. John A. L. Scott, Orchardville
82. Jesse A. Crews, Merrian
83. Elder D. Logan, Jeffersonville
84. J. F. Quigley, Rinard
85. J. S. Bright, Sims
November 9, 1893
86. Andrew J. Neville, age 73 and wife, age 70, are natives of Wayne
County, IL., Big Mound Township. Mrs. Neville is the sister of Ewing
November 16, 1893
87. Dr. Horace Hall and wife, Dahlgren visited with Mrs. Dr. Caleb
Hall, a relative.
November 23, 1893
88. James Hillard is the father of Mrs. Mary Cates.
89. Grandmother Seichrest died in Pennsylvania, at the age of 86. She
was buried in Wayne County, Next to her husband.
August 23, 1894
91. Mrs. T. D. Colvin's father, Henry Chaney of Clay City died. His
funeral was August 23,1894.
92. Alice Frye died. She was the daughter of William Frye of Northern
93. Mr. and Mrs. John Nanek went to Virginia, the land of "their nativity".
94. Mrs. W. M. Goudy and her daughter Margaret went to her sister's
wedding in Sandwich, DeKalb County, IL. Her sister, Miss Mabel L. Coleman
married Mr. A. E. Woodward.
95. Mrs. Zebina Bean and her daughter, Miss Ada, went to Athens, Ohio
and Amesville, Ohio visiting.
August 30, 1894
96. Mrs. J. S. Cox of Ogden, IL is the sister of Mrs. T. D. Colvin.
97. Mrs. Hollingsworth died August 20, 1894.
Wednesday, September 5, 1894
98. Mr. Thomas Dye, of Logan, Kansas is the uncle of Mrs. Crippin and
brother of J. L. Dye.
September 13, 1894
99. Mrs. Hulda Campbell and granddaughter, Mrs. Mark Fraim moved from
"the territory" to Cisne,
September 7, 1894.
100. Mrs. Anna Doan is the mother of Mrs. Willhite of near Olney, and
sister of Mr. T. D. Colvin.
101. Ross Mills is suffering from cancer on the face.
102. Joe McDuffee's child died " some days ago".
103. Clyde Baird is brother of Curtis Baird.
104. Alexander Belangee sold his interest in his father's farm to Mr.
Williams, who bought out all the heirs. (Barnhill)
105. Meyer is a druggist and moved to Flora.
106. Dr. Miller was arrested for the seduction of Miss Viola Hatchett.
107. Ed Crews died September 3, 1894.
108. "Born to Mrs. Em Hoffe, a girl to be named for Mrs. Cleveland."
109. Jacob Springer of Indianapolis is the brother of Mrs. E. Brinker.
110. Ralph Swofford of Kansas City, MO, is the nephew of Miss May Land
of Epworth, White County.
111. Van R. Price of Mt. Erie is the father of Miss Carrie Price.
112. Mrs. W. G. Carrothers and children, Lizzie, Jennie, and Donald
went to West-Salem to be there for her mother's birthday.
113. Mrs. W. E. Felix and children, Mildred and Bernie, are visiting
relatives in Kentucky.
114. Judge Edwin Beecher had his 75 birthday, September 11, 1894.
115. Mrs. C. V. Pykiet died September 11, 1894. Her husband was George
116. John Taylor born in Ohio, 1836, and died July 24, 1894 near Johnsonville
at the age of 58, leaving a widow and 2 children.
117. James Taylor born March 4, 1871 died August 4, 1894 age 23, leaving
a mother and 2 sisters.
September 20, 1894
118. Mr. and Mrs. Len Stags had a boy, born September 10, 1894, weighing
9 pounds.
119. Mr. and Mrs. Morris of Iowa are visiting Mrs. Morris's father,
Mr. Hohn Gaddis.
120. Nobel Grimes of Hudsonville is the son-in-law of Ed Colvin.
121. September 20,1894- "William Welch is a daddy again."
122. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kindle had a 10 pound boy last week.
123. Mrs. William Daughenbaugh has a daughter, Mrs. Allie Kennedy of
Ferdinand IL.
124. On September 6, 1894 H. V. Sons married Miss Mella Oshler.
125. Mrs. Kate Mills is the sister of Mrs. Warmoth of Salem.
126. Raymus Barker died of consumption, and is buried in Beshy Cemetery.
127. Miss Junia Barnett spent a year with her brother in Texas.
128. Mrs. Jackson's mother lives in Henderson Kentucky.
129. Ed Vandever and family relocated to New Iberia, LA. September
14, 1894.
130. Mr. Piper of Green County owns the "Gardner Farm".
131. Charles H. Lock died September 12, 1894 age 35 and is buried in
Pleasant Grove Cemetery. He leaves a wife and 4 small children.
132. Mrs. William Alvis celebrated her 49th birthday on September 17,1894.
133. Mrs. Ann Rogers of Murphysboro, age 60, and the sister of General
John A. Logan, committed suicide on September 15, 1894.
134. Miss Madge Collins of Chicago, visited her aunt, Mrs. W. C. Schaffer.
135. Mrs. Burrows of Keokuk, Iowa, and Miss Amanda Hickson of Terre
Haute visited her cousin Mrs. W. H. Sprague of Fairfield.
136. Mrs. E. C. Krammer and Charles Ellis, her brother, and Mrs. John
Ellis, of Grayville, her mother, were mentioned.
137. The mother of "Uncle" Ike Merritt, of Marion, was the first white
woman to ever enter the territory of Wayne Co., IL.
138. Mr. Nathan Nelson Borah of Arrington, died September 7, 1894 at
the age of 74. He came to Wayne County at the age of 2, and is from one
of the oldest pioneer families. He was born in Butler County, KY
on September 6, 1816, and married Miss Sarah Whitson March 30, 1844. He
was a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church.
139. Jack Hammond married Miss Martha Aden at Anna.
140. Higgert married Miss Anna Grove at Saunton.
141. Charity Vashti Houston was born August 4, 1839 and married Mr.
G. F. Pykiet on November 21, 1872, and died September 11, 1894. She left
a husband and a son and a daughter. Two children preceded her in
142. Miss Colenta Lasley died September 10, 1894 at her sister's home,
(Mrs. A. M. Cable) in Meigs County, Ohio at the age of 78.
September 27, 1894
143. Ernest P. Algur died in Wayne City, September 21, 1894, leaving
a wife and three children.
144. Mrs. Amelia Francis died September 19, 1894 in the 85th year of
her life. She was born in Virginia on March 8, 1810, and came to Illinois
in 1864, and made her home with Mr. W. C. Bobbitt for 24 years.
145. The widow Misenhamer celebrated her 58 birthday on September 25,
146. On September 20, 1894 Mrs. Robertson, wife of William Robertson,
of north Boyleston, celebrated her birthday.
147. Will Herald is the son-in-law of Mrs. Estes of Keenville.
148. Mrs. J. T. Suddarth, of Indiana, is the oldest sister of Mrs.
Susan Gobbel. Mr. John Gobbel is the son of Mrs. Gobbel, and lives in Lawrence
County, Illinois.
149. Mr. Samuel F. Ardery and wife, Olivet, of South Dakota visited
her sister Mrs. J. C. Brock.
150. Wicklin of Virginia has a brother, Mr. S. O. Wicklin.
151. Mr. Win. Scott died September 22, 1894. His children were Mrs.
Robert Seichrest, of Boxville, Missouri, William Scott and Walter Scott.
152. Frank Hawes of Arrington married Miss Lillie Sutherland of White
County, Illinois on September 19, 1894.
October 4, 1894
153. Mrs. John Cariens, and son Willie of Mason City, West Virginia,
were visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Cariens.
November 19, 1903
154. Mrs. W. W. Proudfit, of Winchester, came to visit her mother,
Mrs. A. Meyers.
November 26,1903
155. Charley Hall and Miss Nora Irwin were married November 22, 1903
at 6:30 PM.
December 31, 1903
156. Miss Mabel Nickell of Fairfield, has an aunt Mrs. W. H. Cisne.
157. Mrs. A. E. Nichols attended the funeral of William Gray, her son-in-law.
Mrs. Tom Hall of Huey attended the funeral of her father, Mr. A. Blanke.
158. Sealy Stevens died December 11, 1903 and married Lafayette Stevens
on April 26, 1866 and had 2 sons and 3 daughters. List of Sealy Stevens
(nee Simpson) relatives:
159. Sister - Fairaina Elledge, 76, of Parson, Kansas
160. Brother - Mr. G. T. Simpson of Corning Iowa
161. Daughter - Mrs. James Wilson of Flora
June 23, 1904
9 Mrs. L. V. Stevens, of Cisne moved to St. Elmo where her husband
has a booking keeping job.
10 Jacob Hall is buried at the old City Cemetery, and fought in the
Black Hawk War.
11 Mrs. Maud Clevenger, has a son Joe.
June 30, 1904
12 Mrs. Rubie Hall and three children have relatives in Louisville.
13 Mrs. B. E. Garrison is a sister to Mr. Walter Taggart.
July 7, 1904
14 Mrs. I. L. Garrison's parents are Mr. and Mrs. R. B. R. Feather.
15 Professor I. L. Garrison was the Supt. of Public Schools of Fredonia,
Kansas, and his father is George Garrison of Keenes.
16 Mrs. Fred Shurs and Mrs. A. M. Hall, of Boyleston, are sisters.
July 14, 1904
17 Obituary for David K. Felix Sr. who died July 10, 1904 at home in
Barnhill. He was born in Hartfort, KY. February 5, 1825; married Miss Susan
A. Mansfield, April 5, 1842. His parents were Mary and William Felix.
18 Obituary for Marie Emmons, wife of Griffin Cox. (Long Obit)
19 Obituary for Catherine Huffman Eikleberry died July 4, 1904; born
Monroe County Ohio, June 16, 1823; married John Eikleberry August, 20,
1844 and had 9 Children. MUCH MORE!
July 21, 1904
20 Griffith Taylor has relatives in Jefferson County.
21 Irwin Simpson went to North Dakota, to "take up a land claim." His
two sisters, Pearl Simpson and Mrs. Charles Walker accompanied him
to St. Louis.
22 Knight and wife of Oxford Mississippi visited sister, Mrs. H. C.
King. This was the first time back in 22 years.
23 Mrs. George Nichols of Decatur has a sister, Mrs. Curt Chapman,
who lives near Boyleston.
24 Mrs. M. S. Bryant (of Louisville, KY) has these children: James,
Eugenia, and Benjamin. They visited with Mrs. E. E. Fogle, and other relatives.
25 Ruth Hall is the daughter of Mrs. Katie Griffy.
26 Mrs. George W. Reed's grandmother was Mrs. Sarah Crask.
27 Mr. James Andrews of Virden, IL and Miss Lucy Lodwick of Los Angeles,
CA. were married. Both said they were of age.
August 4, 1904
28 Mrs. G. D. Donmoyer and Reuben Hall's father is George.
August 11, 1904
29 Family History of Elbin Birckett who left Edwards County in
1881 for the Oklahoma Territory. His
brothers are W. H. Birckett, Jeff Birckett, and Lewis Birckett
(residents of Americas, Kansas). His
twin brother is Edson (also of Oklahoma).
30 James Cox is the grandfather of Earl Holt (of Golden Gate).
31 Mrs. Taylor Thomas, one of the oldest ladies in this city
is very ill. She is 82 years old.
August 19,1904
32 Mrs. A. Myers and Barney Myers spent Sunday with Mrs. Myers'
mother in Garrison.
33 Mrs. M. C. Hall has a son Opal, and father-in-law, C. J. Hall.
August 25, 1904
34 Henry Taylor of Orchardville has two sons Master Harvey and Master
35 Mrs. J. D. Harlan has a brother, G. A. Keller who lives in Dillon,
36 Mrs. Mary L. Carson has three sisters in New Brighton, PA. she hadn't
seen in 13 years. Her sons are Will, of Ambridge, and Allen, of Allegheny,
PA. and has a brother Nathan Platt in Salem, Ohio.
September 1, 1904
37 Frank McCormack of Mt. Erie commits suicide, he worked on the Elm
River Farm owned by Price and Clevenger.
38 Miss Keturah Clayton of Grayville has an uncle, Henry Myers of Golden
September 8, 1904
39 Miss Della Smith of Mt. Carmel was brought to Golden Gate as a corpse.
Two weeks later her sister, Mrs. John Burkett died.
September 15, 1904
40 Mrs. George Jones, nee Mattie Morlan, Mr. and Mrs. Geist, of Nebraska,
were visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Stevens and other relatives.
September 22- 29, 1904
41 Sam Taylor was 22.
42 Samuel H. Book celebrated 79th birthday Thursday, September 15,
1904. He and his wife Mary were married April 18, 1850.
43 A grandson of Alexander Hamilton, the first Secretary of the Treasury,
as "Grandpa". He is 74
years old and resides in Elk Neck, Maryland.
September 22, 1904
44 George Clevenger of Cisne, has a son, H. F. Clevenger.
45 Mrs. Elizabeth Cross, died September 17,1904 in her 87th year, buried
at Peach Orchard Cemetery. Elizabeth Hall was her maiden name.
September 29, 1904
46 Mrs. Sylvester Forney of La Harpe, Kansas has brothers Ves. and
Frank Hall of Boyleston, and also was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Fankell.
47 Mrs. George Clevenger has a daughter Mrs. Mary Finch, living at
48 Valentine C Borah was born June 22, 1834 in Wayne County, Illinois.
49 Mrs. W. C. Owen was born January 22, 1833 in Wayne County, Illinois.
50 Henry Gallher was born August 12, 1818.
51 Mrs. Eliza Warren was born April 9, 1813.
52 Charles A. Mathews, Civil War Veteran, was born February 14, 1825.
53 Mrs. Moon, age 85, is the widow of Reverend G. H. Moon, mother of
Mrs. E. S. Woods, of Fairfield and Mrs. S. S. Hoover of Loup City, Nebraska
and Mr. H. N. Moon of Marion County, Ohio.
54 Obit for Nancy E. Schell: She was the daughter of Isaac Fitzgerrell.
She first married Ed J. F. C. Washington, who died in St. Louis. Her 3
children are Eugenia Washington, Dr. Fred Washington (both deceased) and
William Washington, of Chicago, IL.
55 Obit for Mabel Nunn: She was the 11 year daughter of Humes and Ella
Nunn who died September 23, 1904.
October 6, 1904
56 Mrs. A. L. Bosley, of Los Junta, Colorado, spent the summer with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Colelasure, of Garden Hill.
57 Nancy Gallher, daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth Taylor was born
November 15, 1823 and died September 18, 1904. In January 1855 she married
Samuel Gallher.
58 Mrs. E. Carson visited her old home town near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
where her sisters and brother reside.
59 Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Simpson and three children Aille, Golden, and
Maurice of Mountain Home, Arkansas visited Mr. J. H. Simpson's mother,
Mrs. H. P. Thompson of Fairfield, Illinois. Mrs. Thompson's other daughter
is Mrs. George W. Smith of Rock Island, IL. MUCH MORE!
60 Mrs. Sheri George of East St. Louis, is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. Trousdale.
October 20, 1904
61 Steven Stine died near Cisne, Illinois, on October 17,1904. He was
born November 4, 1808 in Green County, PA. He left Pennsylvania when he
was quite young and moved to Monroe County, OH. On December 5, 1825, he
was married to Miss Martha Hoffman, who died November,
14,1892. Allen Stine is his son. 62 Mrs. _ J. Taylor, of Sydney, and
Mrs. _lis Porter are sisters.
63 Mrs. Ben Forney, nee Simpson, died October 14, 1904, but her son,
in Montana, wasn't at the funeral.
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