There were 3 names on page 633, of which are included at the bottom of this page.
Cert. # Pensioner's Surname P O Name Cause for Pension Mo 
Mo Org
70,510 Tillot, Jacob  Grayville frozen foot & loss toes 7.00 
85,652 Cleavelin, William Grayville chr rheum 18.00 
10,271 Mathew, Mary Grayville    8.00  Oct 1878
203,335 Slocumb, Thomas Hawthorn ch diarr  and dis of abd vis 8.00  Feb 1882
163,703 Dasher, Adam  Hawthorn wd neck and deaf l ear 4.00  Nov 1879
158,742 Borders, John G Marshall's Ferry dis lungs 6.00  Apr 1879
148,791 Turner, McDonald Marshall's Ferry wd l thigh 6.00 
126,073 Williams, Geo W Marshall's Ferry injury to abdomen & 
orchitis l side
199,231 Kinchloi, Geo H Middle Point dis lungs and eyes 8.00  Dec 1881
209,480 Nestler, Ezekial Middle Point dis eyes 8.00  May 1882
142,639 Satterfield, John  Middle Point wd l thigh  6.00 
183,401 Vinson, Rachel E Middle Point widow 8.00 
117,010 Daniel, Mathis Middle Point g s w l leg 6.00  Jun 1872
146,724 Zeller, John L Middle Point dis stom & par deaf 3.00  Jun 1877
140,503 Behymer, Thomas Mill Shoals dis lungs & liver 8.00 
23,742 Newby, Whaley Mill Shoals wd r elbow 10.00 
10,151 Griffith, Thos P Mill Shoals loss r arm 24.00 
55,349 Ray, Sarah G Mill Shoals widow 8.00 
2,720 Newby, Fereby Mill Shoals widow 8.00  Oct 1867
31,753 Maricle, Sarah Mill Shoals widow 1812 8.00  May 1881
140,407 Kenneth, John F Mill Shoals frozen feet 6.00   
158,130 Rowe, Lycurgus  Mill Shoals ch eczema both legs 4.00  Apr 1879
194,752 Hendricks, Isabel Norris City widow 10.00  Mar 1882
83,117 Delap, Elizabeth A Norris City dep mother 8.00  Sep 1866
17,646 Rice, Martha A Norris City widow 8.00    
102,043 Deboard, Eliz'th L Norris City widow 8.00    
116,130 Pool, Eliza J Norris City widow 8.00    
180,494 Bolerjack, John E Norris City minorsof 10.00  Mar 1878
181,046 Pearce, Hosea J Norris City minors of 16.00  May 1878
105,517 Millsp--gs, Sarah M Norris City widow 15.00  bl
192,015 Kenady, Mary A Norris City widow 8.00  Apr 1881
75,952 Gott, Daniel P Norris City amaurosis 6.00 
93,271 Gossett, Wm J Norris City g s w r thigh 4.00 
16,177 Gott, Thos W Norris City wd r arm 4.00 
100,205 Wakeford, Henry  Norris City injury to abdomen 17.00 
151,455 Brill, Solomon S Norris City wd head 10.00 
16,828 Morris, James A Norris City wd l thigh 8.00 
166,965 Varney, Abel Norris City insane 18.00  Apr 1880
194,288 Walters, Wm Norris City dis liver and kid 8.50  Aug 1881
194,332 Riley, David L Norris City usler, poison and dis heart 6.00  Aug 1881
220,044 Hammell, Alfred Norris City g s w l shr. and neck 
& inj r ankle
6.00  Oct 1882
168,444 Richardson, Thomas Norris City rheum 10.00  May 1880
195,417 Ray, Sidney Norris City dis lungs 8.00  Sep1881
185,881 Bolerjack, Wm H Norris City dis eyes 18.00  Mar 1881
200,429 Fiehe, John  Norris City g s w r leg 1.00  Jan 1882
34,037 Rambo, Joseph Norris City g s w l arm 18.00 
88,956 Arbaugh, Jesse Phillipstown frac l ankle 10.00 
14-,386 Green, Thomas J Phillipstown wd r thigh 4.00   
16,910 Trash, James M Phillipstown loss r arm 18.00 
18,650 Pearce, Nancy Roland widow 1812 8.00  Feb 1879
196,178  Mitchell, Malinda Roland dep mother 8.00  Jun, 1882
42,978 Burris, Joseph W Roland injury to abdomen, ch diarr, 
dis of abdominal viscera
89,572 Roy, William Roland wd l shr & l leg 12.00 
212,095 Hale, Washington Roland dis eyes 8.00  Jun 1882
211,531 Downer, Felix Roland g s w and part loss r index finger 2.00  Jun 1882
199,074 Jordan, Geo W School dis lungs and loss voice 4.00  Dec 1881
211,105 Kueny, George Springerton g s w l thigh  2.00  Jun 1882
120,128 Berry, Simpson Springerton dis lungs 8.00 
79,473 Pretz-ch, Herman F C Springerton wd l arm 8.00 
183,319 Funkhouser, John H Springerton minors of 16.00  Mar 1879
91,518 Daniel, Eliz'th H Springerton widow 8.00 
53,449 Blackledge, Fred'k Springerton loss r leg 24.00 
147,545 Davis, Malinda H Springerton dep mother 8.00  Jan 1871
13,924 Nelson, Susan J Springerton widow 8.00 
20,507 Ellis, Louisa J Springerton widow 8.00 
845 Thomas, Lewis Springerton surv 1812 8.00  Jul 1871
72,069 Jones, Louisa S Springerton widow 8.00 
80,669 Hunter, Chas T Springerton wd r shr 7.50 
83,749 Lasater, David H Springerton ch diarr, indiges and 
dis of abdominal viscer
93,775 White, Thomas J Springerton dis lungs 4.00 
63,112 Cox, Calvary Springerton wd r leg 12.00 
177,551 Upton, John H Springerton ch diarr 4.00  Oct 1880
216,597 Upton, William C Springerton cd diarr 2.00  Aug 1882
157,425 Taylor, James W  Springerton dis eyes  12.00  Jan 1879
169,731 Jameson, William  Springerton inj r foot and ank 8.00  Jun 1880
166,610 Wease, John  Springerton dis of heart  8.00  Apr 1880

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