Pamela Henson


The letter was folded and address and post office stamp are on the outside of the letter and the letter had two wax seals…nothing special on the wax seals.

The outside of this letter has a round stamp in red reading June 28, Gallatin, Ten.
Postage was 37 ½

Mr. Joseph McReynolds sr.
   Posey County

   Cynthiana P.O.
To the side are brackets that read:  Affidavits of  S. (hard to read word possibly Mothrel, Mothred, Mohred, Mohrel) and others

The letter reads as follows (puncuation and spelling intact) My notes are in blue
In parenthesis- Pam Henson

     Sumner County Ten. June 1833

My old friend & neighbour
  As soon as practicable after receiving your letter I procured the necessary certificates to the papers you enclosed & hope they will how satisfy those who inspect, judge of their validity.  Accompanying them I have also enclosed you my own certificate & that of Richard Bull duly authenticated:  if they should answer you any good purpose, it would afford me pleasure to think I had in any small degree aided a revolutionary soldier & patriot in obtaining in old age a small remuneration for the toils privations, hardships & dangers encountered in early life to secure the blessings now enjoyed under the American government.  Pray God that no aspiring demagoge or (hard to read adjective..possibly “fanthom?) partisan may ever be permitted to mistake or destroy that beatiful & wide spreading her of Liberty (word was emphasized) planted & reared by our worthy ancestors ion a soil enriched by their blood & whitened with their bones.  But I confess that when reflecting on the scenes & aspects of our political affairs I sometimes almost despair of the perminancy of our admirable government.  Again I hoe there is yet a sufficiency of enteligence, virtue, independence & courage amongst the common people to assert & maintain their rights & privileges; and at the ballat box check the soaring flight of those who (fain ?) would seat themselves on the highest pinicle, regardless of the condition of those in humbler sphere over whom they rise.  But enough of this, I expect you would rather hear something about your old neighbour.  All things are moving on much after the same fashion as when you were here, though the neighbourhood is almost entierely clear of the name of Anderson, not a soul of that name left in it except my family & old aunt Pheby.  Thomas lived in Nashville last year, he married last week to Asenath (sp?) McMurry daugter of David, & I expect will continue in Nashville this year also.  The neighbourhood in general enjoy good health; though our old valuable friend & neighbour R. King has been confined to his room more than a year & for some months fast to his bed, and is epected to live but a short time at most, you know he has been delicate for many years, his disease has advanced gradually & steadily. Reubin Forrest has been deranged for some weeks & is confined in jail to prevent him from injuring his family.  On the subject of religion I have nothing at present of much interest but what I expect you have heard:  so far as I can judge, peace has many, brotherly love and friendship prevails to a good degree amongst the members & preachers of the different denominations (unreadable word expected) though but verry few of them this side Nashville.  Sunday schools, bible missionary, & temperance societies all looking up & gaining friends & patrons.  There are but verry few men in Gallatin either young or old that are not members of the temperance society.   Also many of the ladies, the country around also partakes of the same spirit to a good degree, and the good effect is verry visible.  The more I am acquainted with, & partake in Sunday schools, the more I am convinced of their utility & importance, their moral influence where they have been judiciously conducted for a few years is verry perceptible & cheering to the philanthropist & Christian.  Have you any in your neighbourhood, if not try to stir up Samuel & others to embark in the cause.  And if they should meet with difficulties; meet them with moderation but firmness & success will be sure to crown their efforts.  Temperance societies are doing much good notwithstanding the opposition, scoffs & sneers with which the cause has to contend.
Do you think of ever visiting Sumner again, your old friends would like to see you at a camp meeting at Shilo.  We hold one there every fall; and (unreadable. Possibly “feast”).
You may not have heard it I must inform you amongst many others your old friend James
McMurry professed religion & is a steady and respectable member of our church & of the temperance society.
   You requested me to send a bill of the expence of your business:  it his been so small, I deem it unnecessary.  Should you at any time need my services you can again have them, such as they be.
    My love to all friends & acquaintances in your quarter.  And accept the assurance of the high respect of your (unreadable word… probably “old”) friend & neighbour
      Thos  Anderson

Jul  6  2008
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