Dedication ....
THE history of Wayne County, Illinois 
has been written in blood, sweat, and
courage --- by men with determination.  Determination
to couquer a wilderness.  To build,  to grow, and
to progress.  And into this history went prayer, hope, 
fear, heart ache and a long trail of tears left behind
by women --- women knowing that the future must
be built on faith, education, peace and love.

And now, every thought, every prayer, every act 
must be multified by one hundred and fifty years
in orfer that we may stand here, looking over field 
of growing grain, watching our industries grow with 
confidence in the future.  Hearing the songs of birds
mingleed with the laughter of our childrenn.  Feeling
secure and secure and happy in our homes in the county  of 

It is to those men and women that made history
that we respectfully dedicate this book.

--- Wayne County Good Old Days Committee

Aug 1 2008
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