Submitted by
Cheryl M. Stubenrauch
Letters No. 8
(Appears these two should be together)
Bell mead mead CO kans G O D Ranch
Dear mother & sister I recieved your leters to--- and was glad
to hear that you was a up I havent time to write much this time but
wil write you A gain sun I sint you 50 real long after I wrote you
before I wrote I cant say what About coming down but I wil come so
I wil close write and let me know wether you got the money or not and if
you are in want for eny thing or if you kneede money sa no more at this
time rite soon
Letter No 15 of 23
Willim Attberry to Zadie and Fancy well as I have nothing of
importance in the way of news to write you cant expect A long leter I am
well and doing well enurh and hope that thair is no more sicness with eny
of you you complain of not getting no leters from me I write as I get leters
from you and have writen about 3 in the last two months you all seem to
think that I do not care to write to you and put my self to trouble to
write to other partys yuu are wrong thair I hope that you will all be in
good health when this reaches you Zadie I want you to give me the price
Agread up on on the place you bought from Brinley as thaires a settlement
to be made be twene my self and Bill and if he can aford to pay it now
I will make a settlement and let it go on the place write me how he is
off for means ove support in your next leter and go at once and have A
carpenter fix the house comfort able and I will pay the bill get all that
you need for if you have to mortgage the property and I will send you the
money to settle the bills I sent Ma $50 some time ago I supose she has
got it by this time and if not $5 yesterday do not use that as if that
was all you was to see this year but dont give it A way se that Ma has
A good Doctor ar many when she needes one do the best you can to keepe
her from wrying about me and write at once and lett me know just how she
is wel as my paper is out I will have to close write soon as ever your
Brother never mind about me maring I am not maried yet
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