Submitted by Tom James
Tom James wrote:
This is written by Lizzie Paul to her Uncle Steve Adamson, who
never married and lived in Hamilton County. He is Lizzie's mother's half-brother.
Do you know where Barefoot is? She makes it sound very nice.
Jim (Jim Paul) is her brother
Matt Jackson is probably her cousin, the son of her mother's sister Sarah A. Adamson-Jackson.
Uncle Wood is Uncle Steve's younger brother.
Bob and George are Lizzie's brothers, but I don't know who Lola is.
Mt Erie Ills
Aug 2, 1892
Dear Uncle
it is with pleasure that
i seat my self to answer your kind letter which was recieved and reas with
pleasure this letter leaves me tolerable well hoping it may find you all
well i was glad to hear from you and would love to see you all i am still
staying in Mt Erie ant Sallie and ____ is both nearly sick but the rest
of the friends is all well as far as i know Jim has bought him a Saw mill
and thrashing machine he is getting rich fast pa is still living in barefoot
come up and we will go to barefoot its a lovely place tell grandma i would
love to see her and i am going to send her one of my pictures it is not
a good one but it is just as pretty as i am i am much obliged to you for
sending them names to me i will write them down and keep them if rof comes
up this fall be sure and come with him and i will go home with you tell
all of the friends i would love to see them i wrote to purly before i wrote
to you last and have recievd no ans yet uncle Steve i was baptized a Sunday
and will be received in the church the last Sunday in this month i wish
you and grandma could be hear tell ant mollie anduncle wood to come up
this fall and ant mag and uncle bill could if they just would i wish i
could have been there to a went to meeting with you mat Jackson is working
out this summer and Lola has been working at a hotel and has nearly killed
her self she is at home now and no telling when she will be able to work
again bob is not married yet and george is still at home but i wont advise
him to leave for i know how it is tobe away from home So i will bring my
letter to a close by asking you to write soon and tell me all the
neus So good by love to all and give my love to all enquiring friends
Lizzie to uncle Steve
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