submitted by
Dick Osha

Wayne County Press
Thursday, August 25, 1921
p3, c3

Edon Book

son of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Book, of Barnhill was born March 28th, 1895, at Merriam, Ill.  He remained at home until 1916 when he had become 21 years of age.  He then departed for Iowa.  After remaining there for a time he went to Rockford, Ill., where he was employed in a manufacturing plant.  While there he volunteered his services in the army soon after war was declared.  Eldon enlisted in Co. K, 7th Infantry.

After having received his necessary training he served for some time training other recruits.  But not being satisfied to serve only at home he asked to be sent to France.  Having had his request granted he crossed the waters in May 1918.  Previous to that time he was in Ft. Bliss, Texas, Gettysburg and Camp Green, N. C.

Shortly after arriving in France he became engaged in active service at the front.  He fought with the 3rd Division at Chateau Thierry, in the second battle of the Marne and in Belleau Woods, St. Michael and the Argonne.  On the 12th day of October, 1918, he was struck in the shoulder by a machine gun bullet while in command of his platoon. His friend, Walter E. McIlwrath, whom he had met in the camps and with whom he had crossed the waters, saw him fall.  Just as dusk came on this friend went back to find him.  While he was lifting him to give him a drink of water for which Eldon had asked, a bullet struck him in the lung, he died before the first aid station was reached.  He departed this life at the age of 23 years, 6 months and 14 days.

The remains of Sargeant Book were brought back to the United States and arrived at Barnhill August 13, 1921 and were laid to rest in Maple Hill cemetery at Fairfield, Ill., on Sunday, August 14, 1921.

The Anthony Wayne Post of the American Legion had charge of the funeral services, and he was laid to rest with full military honors.  Rev. Samuel Hoekstra was the officiating clergyman.

He leaves to mourn their loss his father and mother, three brothers.  Roy, Pete and Berlin; four sisters, Ethel, Mary, Alice and Marjory.

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