submitted by
Peg Jones



Marvin Smith, 17, of Blue Point Community
Struck While Riding Tractor In Field
Funeral Monday

Marvin Owen Smith, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Owen Smith of the Blue Point community near Cisne, was killed suddenly by lightening Saturday between 9:00 and 9:30 a.m. while riding a tractor in a field near his home.

Young Smith, 17, had left early in the morning in his tractor and was cultivating beans in a field northwest of Cisne and near the Albert Faverty home when the bolt of lightening hit him. He was killed instantly when the lightening struck his right temple.

When he did not come home for lunch his parents started searching for him. They found his body on the tractor, slumped to the floor, with his head back on the seat. The tractor had continued along the bean rows until it came to some brush at one side of the field, then stopped, the motor finally dying. He was found at about 1:00 p.m.

Marvin’s body was taken to the Crippin Funeral Home in Cisne and remained until Sunday, when it was returned to the family home.

Funeral services were conducted Monday at 2:30 p.m. from the Blue Point church, with the Rev. Lepton Harpole officiating. Interment was in the Cisne cemetery.

Marvin Owen, eldest son of Owen and Elsie Smith, was born near Cisne March 13, 1932. He spent his life in the vicinity of his birth and had just completed his junior year at the Cisne Community High School. He was enrolled as one of the Future Farmers of America and was an industrious and ambitious young man with a promising future before him.

He was converted and baptized in June 1948, and united with the Blue Point Baptist church, where he was a faithful member.

His pleasant disposition and dependable character endeared him to his family, his teachers and classmates and his helpful service to the farmers in his neighborhood endeared him to all.

He is survived by his parents; paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith; four brothers, Max, Kelly, Karel, and Larry; many other relatives and a large circle of friends and schoolmates who will miss him and mourn his passing.

Jul 10, 2000
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