submitted by
Kay Jorgensen

Wayne County Press
Dec. 15, 1881

ATTEBERRY - At his residence in Hickory Hill Township, on Saturday, Dec.  10, 1881, after a brief illness, Stout ATTEBERRY, aged 80 years., 11 mo., and 10 days.  Deceased was born in S.C. but was removed when a child with  the family to KY where he continued to live (except for a short time) until 1840, at which time he removed with his family to Wayne Co. where he has continued to reside until his death.  Deceased leaves a wife and 9 children  to mourn his loss.  He had been married 57 years the day before he died.

His aged companion is now in her 77th year.  Father ATTEBERRY united with the Regular Baptist Church over 60 years ago and has remained a consistent  and faithful member ever since.  His funeral was preached at his residence  on Sunday afternoon by Elder J. B. Dobbs from Num. 23:10

Jan 12, 2000
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