submitted by
Peg Jones

Wayne County Press
May 1933

IN MEMORIAM John Williams

In memory of John R. Williams who died May 19, 1933.

I cannot say and I will not say 
That he is dead! He is just away! 
With a cheery smile, and a wave of the hand, 
He has wondered into an unknown land; 
And left us dreaming how very fair It must be, since he lingers there. 
And, you -O you, who the wildest yearn 
For the old time step, and the glad return. 
Think of him faring on, as dear In the love of 
There as the love of Here; 
Mild and gentle as he was brave. -- 


I cannot say and I will not say
That he is dead! He is just away!
With a cheery smile, and a wave of the hand,
He has wondered into an unknown land;
And left us dreaming how very fair It must be, since he lingers there.
And, you -O you, who the wildest yearn
For the old time step, and the glad return.
Think of him faring on, as dear In the love of
There as the love of Here;
Mild and gentle as he was brave. --

Jun 14, 1999
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