Jeanne Delaney

Fairfield Gazette
April 20, 1858

ANOTHER FATAL ACCIDENT. ---On Saturday the 24th inst. Mr. George W. Mayes, son of James Mayes, living in Long Prairie, north east of Fairfield, who had been troubled by the too frequent visits of hawks among the poultry about his premises, discovered their nest, well secured in a tree near the edge of some timber adjoining, and in company with another young man, concluded to destroy it. The tree was cut, and in falling swung around and ledged, breaking off a large limb which in its descent struck Mr. George Mayes on the top of the head, fracturing his skull. Dr. Dorman of Fairfield was sent for by his family, but before his arrival, death occurred. Mr. Mayes, we learn, was an active member and exhorter in the Methodidst Episcopal Church. He was about 27 years of age, and leaves a wife and one child, and his neighbors share with them in the loss of a kind man and a good citizen.

December 28, 2005
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