Laura Horton Martin


Inquest held at Golden Gate on the 12th day of May 1958
on the body of SAMUEL MOFFITT, deceased.

B.G. JOHNSON, Coroner

Witness Residence Occupation
William A GASTON Golden Gate Farmer
Elmer GARVIS, Jr. Golden Gate Farmer
C.A. KNODELL Golden Gate Farmer

Verdict of Jury:

Description of Deceased:
Sex:  M
(no other description)

William. GASTON, Golden Gate, IL, Farmer. said:
"They came to the cafe and said Mr. Moffitt was gone, and they couldn't find him.  I went over there and looked in the garage and the car.  One of the sisters said he had only been gone alittle while.  I ask if they had a well and they said they did.  I went and looked in the well and a board had been off the well.  I got a et of grab hooks and I hooked him about the second time.  I knew he had been sick.  I got hold of him and brought him to the top of the water and waited until you got here to bring him out."

Elmer GARRIS, JR. said:
"I was in the cafe when they came over and I helped get him out."

C.A. KNODELL, Golden Gate, said:
"Mr. Moffitt had been in the hospital several times.  nWe couldn'tseem to get him in the hospital  lately.  I talked to him yesterday, and he said he was going to do something.  He told me this morning he was going to do this.  He was really bad lst night and we stayed nearly all night.  Last week he tried to jump into a pond.  He imaged he had water in his
lungs.  He was just mentally off.  We knew something had to be done.  I told him I would have two doctors examine him and whatever they decided I would do.  He said he would but just didn't.  I made a couple of trips to the house today and had gone home for dinner and they came and got me.   When I got there they had just found him.  There is no doubt that he jumped into the well himself.   He made his home with his two sisters."
Signed:  C.A. KNODELL

Feb  3,  2003
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