Submitted by Mary Ellen Brown
Henry Barton Myers, Church Clerk
February 24, 1889 thru August 18, 1895,
An email message read:
The following Minutes of the Four Union Church are transcribed from a bound ledger book, handwritten by Henry Barton Myers, Church Clerk. They cover the dates between February 24, 1889 (the inception of the church) thru August 18, 1895, when apparently a new clerk was appointed.
Henry's handwriting is beautiful in form but the words are usually spelled phonetically. After considerable time spent transcribing this ledger I am convinced that Henry also had his own form of shorthand. Unfortunately, the actual business of many meetings was not recorded, and sometimes it is recorded that a committee was appointed to carry out a particular task but not the end result. The recording of each meeting is opened and closed with standard wording which I have typed once under the date of January 1, 1887; thereafter only the dates of the meetings, the term "standard minutes" and the name of the moderator and clerk will appear, unless there was a record of business conducted. The reading of the entire ledger is boring and repetitious, however, one is left with a sense of the faith and beliefs of our ancestors.
The ledger is remarkably preserved considering that as of this transcription it is well over 100 years old. Somehow, this ledger and Henry's Sunday School Bible survived a fire which destroyed the house and most of the contents of the home of his grandson, Robert Goddard, with whom Henry's daughter, Mary Cathren Myers Goddard, resided for many years. Robert's daughter, Cathy Goddard Stirman, graciously loaned this ledger for transcription.
Since the Wayne County Court House was burned down (I've been told this was done by someone who thought the County should have a brick building) and the early Jefferson County records were destroyed by a tornado, the names and dates recorded by Henry might very well be one of the few (if not only) record of many of these church members' existence. We do not yet know the exact location of the Four Union Church or when or why it ceased to exist.
In the front of the ledger are two items (loose):
A family mystery remains: Henry Barton Myers, b 1844-45 married Lucinda Farmer Toney on 10 Feb 1868. They had 5 children (William James, b 1869 d ?; Mary Cathren, b 1872 d 1958; Winnie, b 1874 d 1968; Lettie, b 1877 d 1968; Alice b 1879 d?). Toney Family records indicate Lucinda died October 1, 1879 and Henry married Sophrona Goddard (17 Mar 1881). Sophrona was my paternal grandfather, John Morgan Goddard's half-sister. Mary Cathren, Winnie & Lettie are recorded as baptized/members of Four Union but nowhere is the name of Sophrona recorded. Did Sophrona die before July, 1886? I don't think so since Henry Barton Myers date of death is recorded as April 1, 1907 and his will reads:
Wayne County Records:
H. B. Myers died leaving his wife, Soprona E Myers and his children, Catherine Goddard, Winnie Nester, Lettie Walters, Alice Davis his worldly goods, including 5 acres in the NE corner of the W 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of SS3 Twp #S R5E 3rd PM, Wayne county, IL. will was probated
on September 1907 (1,16)
James and Alice are also not listed. James would have been 17 years old when Henry Barton became church clerk and may have no longer lived at home, however he appears on the 1870 Jefferson Co census and the 1880 So. Pass Twp, Union, IL. Alice would only have been 7 and we know she lived to the age of marriage (to a man by the name of Davis). Alice appears on the 1880 So. Pass Twp. Census.
NOTE: When this symbol appears "~" it is an indication that letter(s) are not readable; when this symbol appears "[ ]" it is an indication that a word or words are indecipherable. All spelling and punctuation (or lack thereof) are Henry's. Without appropriate punctuation I have attempted to separate sentences.
Mary Ellen Goddard Watson
August, 2002
Note from Sandy: Henry Barton Myers is my 1st cousin, 5 times removed. His 2nd wife Sophrona Goddard is still living with him in the 1900 census. I have her death date as 13 Oct 1929 but don't have her obit to prove that date.
William Hildreth Atchison is not Henry's grandfather. His grandfather is Barton Atchison (1775-1847). William Hildreth Atchison (1794-1865) is a son of Barton Atchison and thus a brother of Henry's mother Winnie B. Atchison (c 1800 - aft 1884).
July the 30th 1886 Church Book
Brother R. Pery
Brother J. Hunt Dismist J. Hunt by his request
Brother L. R. Combs Dismist by letter June 9, 1888
Brother J. M. Demitt
Sister Emey Mcgffrey August 29 died
Sister Mary Demitt
Brother Min~ Thomas
Brother A. G. Dugan Dismist for [ ] Walk
Sister Elin Dugan Died April 1889
Brother H. B. Myers
Sister Ada Thomas
Sept the 18th 1886
Brother C. J. Mandell
Sister Mary Mandrell
Sister Delia A Mandrell 14
Oct the 2
Brother W. J. McGuffey by letter
February the 24th 1889
Brother L Sinks
Sister Jane Sinks Joined by [Beek mandt~~]
Sister Minda Lanks (?) dismist by expedirnce on Babtism
Sister Lisza Mandrell
Sister Agnes Sinks
Sister Cora Payne dismist from [ ]
Sister Corda Gant Dismissed from under Ca~ our [ ]
Brother [
] Dismist by his reqest
Sister Mite Durgan (or possibly Dugan) Dec 13th 1890 by expe~~~
Brother [ ] Evinger Dec 13 1890 died
Sister Tilda Spirlock Dec 14 1890
Sister M. C. Myers Dec 24 by experan~~
Sister Winnie Myers May the 16th by experan B
Sister Anne Christion Dec 24
Brother William Sinks Dec 24 dismissed
Brother [ ] [
] Dec 24
Sister Margot Walker Dec 28th 1890
Brother Dale ~arper Dec 28th 1890
Sister Jane S~~iv~~ Oct 17 Died Oct Oct 31 1891
Sister Ela Mcguffey Aug 27 Experance (?) 1893
Brother T. J. Demitt Aug 27 1893
Dec the 4th 1893
Brother T. [ ] Ragdale 5
Brother T. M. Austin 5
Sister Ella Austin 5
Sister Lettie Myers 5
Sister Liley Sinks the 6 ~
Sister ~atiney Bell 16
Sister Maggie Bell 16
Brother William Sinks 16
Sister Corda Austin 22
Sister Bell Jenninges 22
State of Illinois Wayne Co August the 30, 1886
We propery orgnized Church With Elder Elishey [ ] from Union Grove Assenon and brother W. J. Mcguffey an brother Abrun Perry with five charter members brother Ritchard Pery and J Hunt brother L B Comes brother J. M. Demitt Sister Emey McGuffey
We call our Church Four Union. We was received in the Mount Olivet Association on Saturday before the fourth Sunda in Sept 24 1886.
October the 2 1886.
Four Union church met on Saturday before the first in Oct
opened the serves by singing an Praer by the moderator [
Call for the Peace of the Church inviting visiting brothern to seat
on Council.
New bissness moved and caried that We Elect brother M. J. Mcguffey
for our Pastor for coming year. Moved and caried that We Elect
too Deacons Brother C. J. Mandrell Brother [ ]
Dugan. Elected Brother H. B. Myers for church Clerk. Opened
the doors of the church received brother and sister Mcguffey ~etter union
church. Motion and second [ ] to meet on Saturday
be four the first Sunday in November the 2 at 2 o'clock. The minutes
December the 4th AD 1886
Four Union Church met on her regler time.
Opened the servis with singing in Prais.
Call for the Peace of Church.
Call inviting visiting brothern to seat on Councel with us.
We find one brother dissatified with the brothers and sisters of Four
Union church. Brother J Hunt request that the church take his name
of the Church Book for he is not Wourthey to belong to the Church.
Motion and second that the Church raice his name of the Church Book.
New business now moved an carried that we adopt the fourth article
in our minutes in 1886
motion and second to again meet on Saturday before first Sunday in
January the first at 2 o'clock.
Received the minutes
January the 1th 1887.
Four Union Church met at her time on Saturday before the first Sunday
in February Opened the meeting with singing an Prair by the
Piece of the Church
Call for iviting visiting brothern to seat on Counsel With us
new bisness call for
now motion an second to agearn to meet on Saturday before the First
Sunday in febuary the fifth 5 1887 at 2 o'clock
August the 14, 1887 Four Union Church met on Saturday before the
first Sunday in Aug
opened the servis by singing an Prair by the moderator
Call for the Piece of Church now opened the door Church for members
now new bisness
Elect Delegates to the association first brother W J Mcguffey then
brother C. J. Mandrell then brother A. G. Dugan then brother H. B. Myers
then church house question was sprung by a motion an second that it
is to be a log house it is to be 26 feet by 20
motion an second agern to meet on Saturday befour first Sunday in Sept
minutes received
October the 1th 1887 (Standard minutes)
NOTE: The year now changes to January 1889 MEW
January the 12 1889 (Standard minutes)
new bisness Call for moved and caried that the Church Elect brother
W. J. Mcguffey our Pastor until next Sept
February the 9th 1889
Four Union Church met on the regular time on Saturday before the second
Sunday in February the 9 89
Call for the piece of the Church inviting visiting brothern to seat
on Council opened the Doors of the Church for members 8 joined the church
Reading minuets new bisness Call for moved an caried that the Church
Clerk rites a leter of inv~~ a bout our minits
Motion an second that We agern to meet on Saturday before the Second
Sunday in March at 2 o'clock pm 9 1889
minutes received
Four Union Church met on the reglar time in March the 9th 1889
opened the servies With singing an Prair by brother W. J. Mcguffey
Piece of the Church Call for inviting visiting brothern to seats on
opened door of the Church for members
now reading the minutes [ ] new bisness Call
for motion an secon that the church grant brother L Sinks lisents to preach
moved an carried that We agern to meet on the second Saturday befour
the second Sunday April the 13th at 2 oclock pm 1889 minuts recvd
April the 12th 1889 (Standard minutes)
new bisness foot washing takened up by motion an second the motion
an second With drawn
May the 12th 1889 (Standard minutes)
July the 14th 1889 (Standard minutes)
August the 10th 1889
(Standard minutes)
now reading the minuts
Motion an second that Sister Sinks an Sister Mandrell Was apointed
Commites to see Sister Gant
motion an second that the Church voted 10 cents on each mail member
to buy a Church book
motion an secon motioncarried that members pay her paster 25 apiece
minuts receivd
September the 7th 1889
(Standard minutes)
now reading minutes of last meeting
New bisness Call for a charge prefered against Sister Agnes Sinks
Committee apointed to go and see Sister Ag Sinks
Sister Mandrell an myself delegated to the Association Brother
W J Mcguffey an brother L Sinks an brother C J Mandrell and myself
October the 12th 1889
(Standard minutes)
new bisness report of Committee the Committees report is in favor of
sister Agness Sinks by a motion an second that we receive the Commitees
report and forgive Sister Agness Sinks
next motion an second motion carried that we dismiss sister Corda Gant
from under our Watch
Cair motion to agern to meet on next Saturday at 2 oclock to elect
our Paster for this year then to meet the [ ] Saturday at 2
oclock the election fel on brother Sinks
Nov the 9 1889 (Standard minutes)
new bisness call for the Election of a sextion
by a vote of the Church H. B. Myers was elected Sexton
Dec the 7th 1889 (Standard minutes)
new bissness call for motion an second When the pice of the church
is Called that each member present that is in feloship let it be none by
[ ] Show of the order motion an second that We lay it
over till the next meeting
next a motion an second that unbabtised members Will not be alowed
a vote unless they be babtised in a short time after they join the Church
motion an second to lay it over untill the next meeting
January the 11th 1890 (Standard minutes)
Now reffernce call for first by motion and second that wee exclud the
question of each member being in felowship let it be none by the [
] Show of the order
Next motion an second to exclude that question of joining the
church each member shall be babtised in a sort time
Motion lost. it Was voted in the Church
March the 8 1890
(Standard minutes)
April the 12 90
(Standard minutes)
Now refferance now new bisness by motion and second that the Church
exclud that rule that Was voted in to the Church that each member joining
Church must be babised in a short time it was voted out of the Church
May the 10 1890
(Standard minutes)
Now reding the minutes
New bisness motion an second that the church elect brother C J Mandrell
for sextion three monts
Motion and second that the Church voted a rule in the Church that thaire
Will not alow noise unusal conduct in time Worship an that will be a [
] [ ] to the congregation
June the 8 1890
(Standard minutes)
NOTE: Date now changes back to 1989 but I believe this was meant
to be 1890
( MEW)
August the 2 89
(Standard minutes)
Now new bisness Call for by motion of the church that the modertor
appoint too commitees go an see Sister Cora paine (Payne?) and Minda Hanks
for dancing [ ] Sister Minie Harper and Alice Hood
is the committee
Sep the 12 89
(Standard minutes)
Now minuts red and received
[ ] laid over till the next meeting the Commitiee
air not report
the [ ] of the Paster till the nex meeting
delages to association brother L Sinks and brother W G McGuffey brother
C J Mandell H B Myers
(Standard minutes)
Now by report of Commite and request of Sister Cora Payne and Minda
[ ] we excluded them from under our Watch [
New bisness Call for the church elect brother H. M. Weeb (?) for our
moderator for this yeair
Brother Sinks moderator
H B Myers C Clerk
Nov the 8 1890
(Standard minutes)
Don by order of the Church brother H M Weeb Paster
H B Myers Ch Clerk
Dec the 13th 1890
(Standard minutes)
Opened door of the church for members Received one
Don by order of the Church
H. M. Weeb moderator
H. B. Myers Church Clerk
January the 11th 1891
(Standard minutes)
Don by order of the church
Brother L Sinks moderator protem
H B Myers Church Clerk
Febuary 7th 1891
(Standard minutes)
Now new bisness Call for on motion an second that We change our meeting
days to the 3 Sunday in each month
The church elected brother H B Myers to [ ]
Don by order of the church brother H M Weeb moderator
H B Myers C C
March the 14th 1891
(Standard minutes)
Don by order of the Church
H M Weeb moderator
H. B. Myers Ch Cl
Changed meeting days February the 7th 1891
April the 19th 1891
(Standard minutes)
Now new Call by motion an second of the Church that the Cleark Wright
brother and sister Demott a letter of inqirey
Don by order Church
H M Weeb moderator
H B Myers Church Cl
May the 16 1891
(Standard minutes)
One new bisness by motion an second of the church We elect brother
Dan Harper for a Deacon also by the voice of the church that the Church
Wright a request to the mt olivet Presbytr hold the next Presbyter With
four union Church
Don by order of the Church
Brother H. M. Weeb moderater
H B Myers Church Cl
June the 20th 91
(Standard minutes)
Don by the order of the Church
Brother H. M. Weeb moderator
H. B. Myers Ch Cl
July the 18th 91
(Standard minutes)
Don by order of Church
Brother H. M Weeb moderator
H. B. Myers Church Cl
Minuts received
August [ ] the 15th 91
(Standard minutes)
Now new bisness call for motion and second that the Church Elect a
Paster an a Clerk
Brother L. Sinks paster
Brother H. B. Myers Church Clerk
Delagats to the association H. B> Myers brother Dan Harper an brother
C. J. Mandrell
by motion an second that the Church Call for a letter from the Mount
Olivet Association to go the Pleant grove Association
motion an second that We agern to meet on Saturday befor 3 Sunday in
[ ] at 3 oclock
Don by order of the Church
Brother H. M. Beeb
H. B. Myers C C
Minutes received
Sept the 19th 91
(Standard minutes)
New bisness called for by motion an second to a send the act of getting
a letter from the assocation and careed
Motion and second to agern to meet on Saturday before the third Sunday
in Oct 17th at 3 oclock
Don by the order of the Church
Brother L. Sinks modrator
H. B. Myers Ch Cl
Minuts received
Oct the 17
(Standard minutes)
One new bisness call for by motion and second that We apoint a Committee
to see brother Will Sinks for Disordley Conduct and that Committee be appointed
for one year the committee is as follows brother Dan Harper brother
N. G. McGufey sister Mrget Thommas and sister minney Harper
A motion and second to agern to meet on Saturday befor third Sunday
in Nov11th at 2 oclock
Don by order of the Church
Brother L. Sinks moderator
H. B. Myers Ch Cl
Minuts received
Nov the 14th 91
(Standard minutes)
Now new bisness Call for
Now report of Commity Call for no report
Motion and second to agern to meet on Saturday before the third Sunday
in Dec the 19th 91 at 2 oclock
Don by the order of the Church
Brother L. Sinks modrator
H. B. Myers Church Clerk
Minuts received
Dec the 19th 1891
(Standard minutes)
Don by the order of the Church
Brother L Sinks modrator
H B Myers Church Clerk
January the 16 92
(Standard minutes)
Don by the order of the Church
L. Sinks modrator H. B. Myers Ch Cl
March the 19th 1892
(Standard minutes)
The Commite report brother Will Sinks his bin intoxcated
By motion an second that his case be talked over
A charge agance brother A. G. Dugan of Commiting fornication by motion
and second to lay his case over untill the April meeting
Don by order of the Church
Brother L Sinks modrater
H. B. Myers Church Clerk
Minuts received
April the 16th 1892
(Standard minutes)
Now reference brother Will Sinks case by motion an second to be laid
over until the May term
Brother A G Dugan case broweht up by motion and second that to [
] the charge of fornication and dismiss him from our Watch Cair for disorderly
Walk voted on by Church Carried 9 to 1
New bisness call for
Now motion an second to agern to meet on Saturday before the third
Sunday in May at 2 oclock
Don by order of the Church
Brother L Sinks modertor
H B Myers Ch Cl
Minuts was adopted by the Church
May 14th 92
(Standard minutes)
Now reference Call for brother Will Sinks case Call up an Dismist from
our Watch and Care for Disordery Walk
Don by order of the Church
Brother L Sinks modrator
H. B. Myers Church Clerk
August the 20th 92
(Standard minutes)
Referance Call for now new bisness Call for by motion and second that
the Church go into the Election for modrator brother J. B. Moor for the
next year for Church Clerk H. B. Myers for unlimed time delagts for as
folows brothers H B Myers the asoceation Daniel Harper C. J. Mandrell Sister
Ada Jones an [ ] Mandrel
Don by order of the Church
Brother riley Black modrtor protem
H B Myers Ch Cl
Sep the 17th 92
(Standard minutes)
Now new biss
Call for motion an second to suspend bissnss for the Clerk to rit a
leter to the asociation [ next] one Satur night then read the letter opend
received it too dolars
[ ]for the asociation
Don by the order of the church
Brother L Sinks modrtor
H. B. Myers church Clerk
Oct the 15th 92
(Standard minutes)
Now new bisness Call for by motion and second that the Church apoint
three finance Commity James Bozwell and brother M. J. McGuffey and H..
B. Myers
Motion and second that the Church go into Election of a deacon
H. B. Myers was electection and Examed on thurday night and to be ordained
Sunday morning
Don by order of the Church
Brother J. B. Moor modrator
H. B. Myers Ch Cl
Minuts recived
Nov the 19 92
(Standard minutes)
Don by order of the Church
Brother J. B> Moor modrtor
H. B. Myers Ch Cl
Dec the 17th 92
(Standard minutes)
Don by the order of the Church
Brother J. B. Moor modrator
H. B. Myers Ch Clerk
Feb the 18th 93
(Standard minutes)
New bisness Cal for by the order of the Church that the Clerk rit brother
and sister Demitt a letter of inquirie all so sister Anna Chrisen
Don by order of the Church
Brother W. J. McGuffey modrtor protem
H B Myers Ch Cl
March the 18th 93
(Standard minutes)
Don by the order of the Church
Brother J. B. Moor modrator
H. B. Myers Ch Cl
April the 15th 93
(Standard minutes)
Don by order of Church
Brother J. B. Moor modrator
H. B. Myers Church Cl
May the 20th 93
(Standard minutes)
Don by the order of the Church
Brother L Sinks modrator Protem
H. B. Myers Ch Cl
June the 17th
Four union Church met at the regler time an place the moderator being
abstance the Church Elected brother W. J. McGuffey modrator Protem
Meeting opened in regler order by singing and prair by the modrator
Piece of the Church called for inviting visiting berothern to seat
an Council
Opened the doors of the Church for members
Now new bisness
Call for by motion and second and vote of the Church that grant brother
Moore request not to preach
Motion and second that brother McGuffey to be Elect to fill the rest
of the [ ] too votes cast
By nonation brother Sinks an brother Shuck
2 vots for brother Sinks 4 vots brother Shuck
don by the order of the Church
brother W. J. McGuffey modrator Protem
H. B. Myers Ch Cl
Minuts stands as red
July the 15th 1893
(Standard minutes)
This is done by the order of the Church
Brother W J McGuffey modrtor
H B Myers Ch Cl
August th 19th 1893
(Standard minutes)
Now reading of minuts
New bisness Call for
Motion an second that the modrator apoint the Delagats brothers H.
B. Myers J. M. Demett D Harper sister Harper C. J. Mandrell
Motion and second that we elect paster
Motion an second that we lay the Election of paster over till the next
By motion and second and vot of the church that the Clerk rit a leter
of dismissel from the Mt Olivet Asocation
Motion an second that we agern to meet on Saturday before third Sunday
in Sept at 2 oclock
Don by order of the church
Brother W. J. McGuffey moderator
H B Myers Ch Cl
Sept the 17th 1893
(Standard minutes)
The report [ ] by the Clerk and recved by the
Church and the reqest for a letter
Motion an second that the Church impower the Delagats to hire a preacher
for the [ ] year
Motion an second to agern to meet on Saturday before the third Sunday
in Oct 15th 93 at 3 oclock
Don by the order of the church
Brother L Sinks moderator protem
H. B. Myers Ch Cl
Oct the 15th 93
(Standard minutes)
Now new bisness
Call for the Delagtes of four union church did contract with brother
J. B. Barnett to paster four union church for $50 Dollars for this year
commencing on the third Saturday in Oct
Don by order of the church
J. B. Barnett modrator
H. B. Myers Ch Cl
Nov the 19 93
(Standard minutes)
Don order of the Church
Brother J B Barnett modrator
H B Myers Ch Cl
Dec the 17 93
(Standard minutes)
Don by order of the Church
Brother J. B. Barnett modrator
H. B. Myers Ch Cl
Feb the 16th 1894
(Standard minutes)
Don by order of the Church
Brother J. B. Barnett modrtor
H. B. Myers Ch Cl
March the 17th 1894
(Standard minutes)
Now new bisness
The election results in chois of brother D Harper an brother L Sinks
an brother F. M. Austin was elected
Don by order of the Church
Brother J B Barnett modrtor
H B Myers Ch Cl
April the 14th 94
(Standard minutes)
Now new bisness Call
Motion an second that the Church confirm the Election of the Church
trustees that was Elected March the 17 94
Don by order of the Church
Brother J. B. Barnett modrator
H. B. Myers Ch Cl
May the 13th 94
(Standard minutes)
Don by the order of the Church
Brother J. B. Barnett modrator
H. B. Myers Ch Cl
June the 16 1894
(Standard minutes)
Don by order of the Church
Brother J. B. Barnett modrator
H. B. Myers Ch Cl
July the 16 94
(Standard minutes)
Don by order of the Church
Brother J. B. Barnett modrator
H. B. Myers Ch Cl
Minuts recived
August the 18th 94 (Standard minutes now changes as follows.
Four union Church met at the regler time an place an opened the meeting
in regler order by singing an reading a Portion of Gods Word an Prair
Pice of the Church
Call for inviting visiting brothern to seat on Council
New bisness call for
Motion an second that we go into Election of a modrtor an delagats
Motion Caried Brother J B Barnett was Elected Paster this coming year
Delagtes as follows bro C. J. Mandrell bro F. M. Austen Bro D Harper
Sister Miney Harper Sister Winie Myers aulterent sister Ellie Auston
Sister Saline Bell M. C. Godard
Motion an second that the Clerk rit a leter
Moton an second to agern to meet on Saturday before the third Sunday
in Sept the 15th 94 at 3 OC
Don by order of the Church
Brother J. B. Barnett modrator
H. B. Myers Ch Cl
Minuts recived
Sep the 15th 1894
(Standard minutes)
Don by order of the Church
Brother J. B. Barnett modrator
H. B. Myers Ch Cl
Oct the 20th 94
(Standard minutes)
New bisess Call for
Motion an second that the modrator apoint three Finance [
] the members to pay the paster
Motion cried the [ ] Commites is as flows Bros H.
B. Myers Cherman Dan Harper Cleark C. J. Mandrell
Don by order of the Church
Brother J. B. Barnett modrator
H. B. Myers Ch Cl
November the 17 94
(Standard minutes)
New bisness Call for now
Commitees not redy to report
Don by order of the Church
Brother J. B. Barnett modrator
H. B. Myers Ch Cl
Minuts recived
Dec the 16 94
(Standard minutes)
new bisnessCall for now given opertunty for members
now motion an second that the church Elect a sexton
brother J. M. Demmett was Elected for Sexton
of the Church
Brother J. B. Barnett modrator
H. B. Myers Ch Cl
Jan the 19 1895
Four union church met at the regler time an Place our Paster being
abance by motion an second that brother Sinks acts as modrtor Protem an
opened the meeting in regler order reading a Portion of gods Word an singing
an prair by the modrtor
Pice of the church
Call for inviting visiting brothern to seat on Council giving opertunity
for members
Now new bisness
Call for motion and second the Church grant brother and sister Dimmett
a letter
Motion cairied the Cleark rite the letter for brother an Sister Dimmett
Don by order of the Church
Brother Sinks modrator
H. B. Myers Ch Cl
Feb the 16th 1895
(Standard minutes)
Don by order of the Church
Brother J. B. Barnett modrator
H. B. Myers Ch Cl
April the 10th 1895
(Standard minutes)
New bisness Call for by motion an second that the Church grant brother
B Bery a letter that the Cleark rit a letter
Don by order of the Church
Brother J. B. Barnett modrator
H. B. Myers Ch Cl
May the 18th 1895
(Standard minutes)
New Bisness Called for
Motion and Second that we drop Sister Lettie Myers from our church
love and Fellowship Motion carried
Don by order of the Church
Brother J. B. Barnett modrator
D. A. Harper Church Clerk protem
August the 19th 1895
Four union Church met at the regler time an place our Paster being
By motion an second Bro C. J. Mandrell act as modrtor
Motion carried
Opened the meeting by reading a portion of gods Word an Prair
Pice of the Church
Call for inviting visiting Bros to seats on Council
New bisness called for
Motion and second that the Church Elect the Delagts to the sociation
Motion Carried
Names Bros H. B. Myers D. A. Harper C. J. Mandrell L Sinks an Sisters
Marget Walker S Bell
[ ] Sinks
the Election of a Cleark laid over till next meeting
motion an second to agern to meet on Saturday before the third Sunday
in Sep at 3 oclock
Don by order of the Church
Brother C. J. Mandrall modrator
H. B. Myers Ch Cl
Brother J. B. Moore is our Paster for this year
Oct Paid $1.45
Nov Paid 2.00
Dec Paid 2.36
Febuary Paid 1.25
March Paid 2.00
Oct the 15 1893
Brother J. B. Barnett is our Paster for this [ ]
Oct Paid 4.00
Nov 1893 Paid 2.75
Dec 93 Paid 3.25
January 1894 Paid 4.10
Febuary 94 .90 for Conveance Paid 1.30
March 94 Paid 7.40
April 14 94 Paid 3.45
May 19 94
June 16 94
July 14 94
Aug 18 94
Cash 4.60
Harper H. B. Myers Thomas
Ada Jones Myers Mandrell
$1.10 $1.00 50
C 50 C 35
C 25
Oct paid to J. B. Barnett for Preaching in 93 and 94
2.50 1.00
50 1.50
25 25
50 25
25 25
Collection $1.06 Paid to Brother Moor in 93 12.76 C
R Pery Winie Myers C J Mandell J Demitt
25 20 50
J M Demitt S Bell F M Austen L Sinks W Mitchel
M Thomas
30 50
35 25 25
50 40
J Buffington ~iley Sinks Magy Bell Lettie Myers
25 25
30 15
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